Unveiling the Mysteries: Researching and Writing 'Alien AI' - A Supernatural Sci-Fi Thriller Now Available on Amazon

Alien AI, John Martin is holding an Alien scull, The Feeder Books Series, The Feeder, JFK Løvlien, Book of the year 2024

My new supernatural, erotic science fiction thriller: "Alien AI," is FINISHED, and what a journey it was to write this book. I started researching by first going to Jamaica in November 2023, where I visited The Fleming Villa. Ian Fleming purchased the land for his Goldeneye estate in Jamaica in 1946. This estate, later known as the Fleming Villa, became his winter home and where he wrote all of his James Bond novels. The ocean that surrounds the large estate is azure blue and absolutely brilliant. The sunset blew my socks off. The service was wild, and we had a truly marvelous time there. I also got to taste several of the signature drinks there, based on Chris Blackwell's rum, which was solid and trustworthy. My senses and creative mind worked overtime as I enjoyed the scenery and learned more about The Golden Eye, which Ian Fleming named the villa.

Fleming Villa in Jamaica, Ian Fleming

We visited rum factories and drank blue mountain coffee high above Kingston, and I was also in the room where Bob Marley was shot in his house in Hope Road. Trench Town was lovely, and I laughed when a bar owner there fell through his own floor in his bar there.

The colors are more vibrant in the tropics, and this detail will be evident to you (dear reader} when you salvage the chapters in Alien AI in Jamaica.
I do my best to remember weather, clothing, brands, and small details when I research to write The Feeder Series because it is vital in building the tapestry of the storyline. From there on, I went to the jungles and outback in Brazil and also spent quite some time in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo , and, of course, Santos, where I live! We travel frequently in Brazil, so small things inspire me and always spark my imagination.

Alien AI covers time travel, Alien races, Alien AI, Ufos, hidden Alien cities, Area 51, Paris, London, Antarctica, Greece, UFO events in Brazil, The Count of St Germain, and even Casanova in 1650, so as you, dear reader can probably understand, I have done PLENTY of research online on various platforms! As always, in my books, The characters wear posh brands and jewelry and enjoy alcohol and drugs. Some of it exists, but you will find that others are fictional.

Alien AI : Marion Martin, Feeder books Series, buy in amazon, Kindle, Audible

I believe my writing is evolving as well, and I like how Alien AI moves and hope new readers will enjoy it. Alien AI is raw and gritty but also funny, crazy, scary, and fucking fabulous. Yeah, I said it! I like the book.

The Audiobook, which will be available in August on Audible, is again narrated by myself in English, and it is definitely different from other audiobooks out there. I do my best to make the story come alive without ultimately going too wild while narrating. And can you believe that I named the villain "Zelon Tusk?"

Alien AI is now available on Kindle Unlimited; you can also order the paperback from Amazon!

I hope you get the book and read it, or perhaps have a stiff one while listening to the Audiobook on Audible!

I think Alien AI is a winner!


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